DoS via SocketServer
Gregory Disney
2014-09-02 20:42:48 UTC
If a SYN flood attack happens, the socket never actually flushes the
connection. Which causes a DoS, method I tested this was I set a flask then
ran slowloris against the flask open port, within a few seconds flask
starts dumping socket server errors and the whole service goes down. This
seems to be a critical issue.

Daniel Neuhäuser
2014-09-02 21:26:16 UTC
Well, you shouldn't use the development server for production and not just because we feel like advising people not to. This merely adds to the list of reasons.

In other words I don't see a critical issue here at all.
Gregory Disney
2014-09-05 22:23:37 UTC
Last time I checked deployment environment is not on the CVSS scoring
system. Either way there is a vulnerability, so let's discuss mitigation.
Post by Daniel Neuhäuser
Well, you shouldn't use the development server for production and not just
because we feel like advising people not to. This merely adds to the list
of reasons.
In other words I don't see a critical issue here at all.
Armin Ronacher
2014-09-07 11:21:20 UTC
Post by Gregory Disney
Last time I checked deployment environment is not on the CVSS scoring
system. Either way there is a vulnerability, so let's discuss mitigation.
If the documentation does not make it clear that the development server
should not be used for anything other than development than we will fix
it. However it has been routinely pointed out that you must not use the
development server for anything other than development.

We do not have the resources (and we do not believe it's in the best
interest of us) to maintain a production grade HTTP server. The sole
purpose of the builtin one is a simple development experience.

Can you explain what exactly you mean by "deployment environment is not
on the CVSS scoring system".

Matthias Urlichs
2014-09-07 14:47:10 UTC
Post by Armin Ronacher
We do not have the resources (and we do not believe it's in the best
interest of us) to maintain a production grade HTTP server.
I'd re-word that a bit more strongly:
We do believe that it's _not_ in our best interest to maintain (yet
another) production-grade HTTP server, given the fact that there already
are quite a few of them available.
-- Matthias Urlichs
Gregory Disney
2014-09-07 18:40:03 UTC
Calculate the risk for your self,
http://nvd.nist.gov/cvss.cfm?calculator&version=2. No where are points
dropped because environment is development versus production. It's fine,
it's is a do not fix on your half. I will have to file a CVE against Flask
though to alert developers using Flask of this vulnerability. If you wish
to work on a mitigation, we can hold off on the CVE till a mitigation is
Post by Matthias Urlichs
Post by Armin Ronacher
We do not have the resources (and we do not believe it's in the best
interest of us) to maintain a production grade HTTP server.
We do believe that it's _not_ in our best interest to maintain (yet
another) production-grade HTTP server, given the fact that there already
are quite a few of them available.
-- Matthias Urlichs
Gregory Disney
2014-09-07 18:44:39 UTC
Here's the risk I calculated to the CVSS, this is a pretty common score for
DoS attacks. This is based off the CIA triad, since a DoS attack
compromises Integrity and Accessibility, they usually get pretty high up
there score wise.
CVSS Base Score
Impact Subscore
Exploitability Subscore
CVSS Temporal Score
CVSS Environmental Score
Modified Impact Subscore
Overall CVSS Score
Show Equation <http://nvd.nist.gov/cvss.cfm?calculator&version=2#score>
Post by Gregory Disney
Calculate the risk for your self,
http://nvd.nist.gov/cvss.cfm?calculator&version=2. No where are points
dropped because environment is development versus production. It's fine,
it's is a do not fix on your half. I will have to file a CVE against Flask
though to alert developers using Flask of this vulnerability. If you wish
to work on a mitigation, we can hold off on the CVE till a mitigation is
Post by Matthias Urlichs
Post by Armin Ronacher
We do not have the resources (and we do not believe it's in the best
interest of us) to maintain a production grade HTTP server.
We do believe that it's _not_ in our best interest to maintain (yet
another) production-grade HTTP server, given the fact that there already
are quite a few of them available.
-- Matthias Urlichs
Paulo Bu
2014-09-08 06:03:23 UTC
George, I think you don’t get the point here. Everyone understands that Flask development server is very vulnerable, the thing is, it doesn’t matter. The first thing you read when you start developing with Flask (also Django, Rails, etc, etc) is that the server they provide IS JUST FOR DEVELOPMENT. They said it out loud. You’re suppose to deploy your app with well know production ready servers like Apache, Nginx, etc.

Filing a CVE against Flask “just to tell people” is pointless, because the Flask Docs itself are telling people not to use the server for production environment. And believe me, people that are indeed using it for production environment are way more likely to read the Flask documentation than a CVE report
 Also, you don’t need clever tricks like SYN flood or anything like it to DoS Flask server, since it is by default a single threaded server, you will only need 3 or 4 clients requesting concurrently to bring it down, not anything fancy.

On the other side, I think you made your point. I’ve seen that Flask developers are currently putting some effort on the documentation to make it “CLEARER THAN WATER” that Flask server is not intended for production.

Kind regards,
Paulo Bu
Software developer at TMG

On 07 Sep 2014, at 20:44, Gregory Disney <gregory.disney-***@public.gmane.org<mailto:gregory.disney-***@public.gmane.org>> wrote:

Here's the risk I calculated to the CVSS, this is a pretty common score for DoS attacks. This is based off the CIA triad, since a DoS attack compromises Integrity and Accessibility, they usually get pretty high up there score wise.
CVSS Base Score
Impact Subscore
Exploitability Subscore
CVSS Temporal Score
CVSS Environmental Score
Modified Impact Subscore
Overall CVSS Score
Show Equation<http://nvd.nist.gov/cvss.cfm?calculator&version=2#score>

On Sun, Sep 7, 2014 at 11:40 AM, Gregory Disney <gregory.disney-***@public.gmane.org<mailto:gregory.disney-***@public.gmane.org>> wrote:
Calculate the risk for your self, http://nvd.nist.gov/cvss.cfm?calculator&version=2. No where are points dropped because environment is development versus production. It's fine, it's is a do not fix on your half. I will have to file a CVE again st Flask though to alert developers using Flask of this vulnerability. If you wish to work on a mitigation, we can hold off on the CVE till a mitigation is found.

On Sun, Sep 7, 2014 at 7:47 AM, Matthias Urlichs <matthias-+qxcz+***@public.gmane.org<mailto:matthias-+qxcz+***@public.gmane.org>> wrote:
Post by Armin Ronacher
We do not have the resources (and we do not believe it's in the best
interest of us) to maintain a production grade HTTP server.
I'd re-word that a bit more strongly:
We do believe that it's _not_ in our best interest to maintain (yet
another) production-grade HTTP server, given the fact that there already
are quite a few of them available.

-- Matthias Urlichs

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